Ramy's Guestbook ...

*** Please visit 'The Diary' written by Ramy's Mum about Ramy's flight ***

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There are now 616 messages in Ramy's guestbook.
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Happy Birthday Dearest Ramy,
I missed you so much.
12 March 2008

Dearest Ramy's friends,
We will celbrate Ramy's 24th birthday on 11th March 2008 (Tuesday).

We visit Ramy's garden at Mcquarie Cemetry-Lane Cove(Delhi Road. Section D General)from 17:30 to 18:30.

Then, We will be gathered at 38 Johnstone Cres Lane cove from 19:00 to 20:30.

Light refreshment (pizza) will be provided.

Ramy and his family welcome all of you and would be very happy to have you in eiher or both of these places and celebrate his birthday together.
29 February 2008

Miss you bro. I walked past our cafe in Chatswood yesterday. You'll never be forgotten.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajeoon (To God We Belong and To Him We Will Return).
25 February 2008 - Sydney

Happy Valentine's day darling.
I am sure you have recieved a lot of flowers from beautiful angels.

Love you and miss you so much.
14 February 2008

Today i was sitting on the coach and watching TV (channel 10 music). I saw you, with your beautiful smile and your favourite white jacket moving towards the TV. It was very short, but was wonderful.

Thanks for that and please come more in my dreams.
26 January 2008

I love you and miss you so much. Rest in peace darling and wait for me to noin you.
20 January 2008 - Sydney

Ramy. I still think of you everyday and every moment. When i am out i always remeber times we shared in those same places. i miss you.

I wish your family a Happy New Year. All of my love goes to them and to you forever.
4 January 2008

Dearest Ramy,
Today is Christmass 2007 and wish you a merry Chrismass and happy new year.

We came back from wedding of Mona and we felt your presence in wedding ceremony.
One of your best friends "P" visited us and brought a cake and cookies. I am sure you love it.

You know how much we love "P" and how I had dream to have her as my daughter in law. We were not lucky to have you alive to fulfill my dream, but I am sure that your memories always stay with "P" and all of us.
24 December 2007 - Sydney

Missed you so much last week. Jaat kheili khali bood.
24 December 2007 - Syd

Love u my little baby.
27 November 2007 - sydney

Miss you so much,
Still I cannot believe that you have gone and never will be back.
Why life is so cruel to me.
Rest in peace azizam
10 November 2007 - syney

I remember your beautiful face and smile and it's still hard to believe you are gone.
Its not fair Ramy, I miss seeing your face.
I miss your advice and wisdom.

My only hope is that you are now in a much better place.

Lots of love.
25 October 2007 - Aus

Life feels so quiet without you.

Rest in Peace.
21 October 2007 - Sydney

i had a dream that you called me, i was so happy because i had almost completely forgot your voice, it was you exactly. i asked your mum about it, what you said dosent make any sense, i dont know what to think, i am so sorry.
4 October 2007

Hey Ramy,
Its been a long time since ive been here.
You came to me in my dream last night, and i think it was just wierd. Its been a while since you've visited me.
4 October 2007 - Sydney

Miss you and still can't justify why you've been taken away from us.

Love always
3 October 2007

still thinking of you sweetheart.
20 September 2007

I love you so much, I miss you a lot. Wait to join you. RIP.
14 September 2007 - Syney

Missing you!
Ramy did you see? Are you happy for me?

I miss you and at times like these your wisdom is what i miss the most.

7 September 2007 - Sydney

My dearest Ramy,
Today is father's day, which I have been getting the best presi from you, for many years. How sad it could be that I have another father's day any you have gone.

Yesterday, I went to Chastwood and purchased a presi on your behalf and spoiled myself as you did for many years. Tonight we are going out for the dinner, please join us. I can not enjoy the dinner without you.

I am also waiting for a surprise tonight. Come to my dream an make my day. Please!!

Love you forever darling.
2 September 2007 - Sydney

I miss you so much.

Rest in peace aziz delam
29 August 2007

love you
24 August 2007

Love u goni.
20 August 2007

Ramy joonam,
Please help us to survive. Every moment is passing, we miss you more.

Pain of your loss is so strong to cope with.

Love you forever
5 August 2007

Dear Ramy,

I miss you I think about you all the time. I can't believe how much time has passed. I know you are looking down at us from heavan.
You were so wise beyond your years, I never understood how. Maybe one day soon I will be too.
31 July 2007 - Sydney

Dearest Ramy,
Thanks for attending my birthday last night. You made my birthday a beautiful one. After a while you came in my dream and spent sometime with me. In my dream you told me something happened in 12 June that change everything. I think you meant 15 July that you left your family and friends.

Yesterday after Jhila came back from England, friend orgainsed a BBQ for her, but she did not wake up to come to BBQ on time. So, we did not go to BBQ and Mum, Mona and myself became so upset and depressed. However Jhila and JuJu came over to our place and we had a small birthday party. I am sure you attended as well and at the end you came to my dream to make me happy and say Happy Brthday Daddy.

Love you forever. RIP
29 July 2007

R. I. P Ramy you seem'd Like a Great Person!
25 July 2007 - Toronto

Hi Ramy
Your Anniversary was really beautiful. All the speeches were happy memories n emotional, touched my heart. Ramy will always be remembered with a smile on all our faces. I can't believe its been a year already, went so fast.
I visited you again today at the Cementry. The stone is really nice as i was telling your mum today.
Freaky how we all were standing there a bird flew on your Stone looking down at your picture.

We all are missing you more and more everyday. Leave the gates open, we will meet again. Your an Angel. R. I. P
17 July 2007

Dearest Ramy,
We celebrated your life at your first Anniversary. I am sure you were present at the ceremony.

Support of your friends, family friends and Iranian community was overwhelming. Unfortunately we did not have contact number of many of your friends to invite them.

Your site was full of pretty flowers. The song, music and speeches at ceremony were very emotional and beautiful. You touched the heart of many.

Rest in peace darling.

I talk to you later.

16 July 2007 - Sydney

Hi Ramy. I've just gotten home from your first memorial ceremony. It was really nice. I was afraid of going. I've been afraid that if I go everything will come back and I'll be in the same place I was a year ago. If I didn't go I wouldn't be reminded that you had gone.

I wasn't going to go, until I had a dream last night. You weren't in it, but it was us chatty people getting together and talking about going. In the dream I was going. I think that dream made me come. It somehow helped me overcome my fear. And it was good that I did come, because I actually feel even better now. I don't want to be afraid to remember you.

Your family is amazing. I admire that they are doing so much for everyone. I am grateful that they have invited all of us even though I never knew them before to share your memorial with us. To share their personal feelings and sadness. Understanding you as a good person makes so much more sense now since I can see how good your family is.

Thank you Ramy. Keep giving everyone strength so they can continue on.
15 July 2007 - sydney

Dear Ramy, it's so painful to think of those days that you were gone. miss you dearst.
15 July 2007 - Germany

Mitra & Aida
our Dear Ramy:
one year passed by;and durig this time,we often lived in your memory. we miss you so much.
14 July 2007 - iran

I haven't visited you for a while Ramy jan, but I'm looking forward to seeing you this week with all your other friends and family . . .

I miss our talks abouts about spirituality and God . . . you brought me closer to Him in life and in death . . .

Miss you and love you heaps bro :)
8 July 2007

Thanks darling for coming in my dream and giving me a hug. I have been looking for a long time.

It has been a short , but extremely good.

Love Daddy
7 July 2007 - Sydney

Ramy, I think you know how hard it's been for me, i need not tell you of those nights that i think of you and i can't seem to let you go. I sometimes feel like your with me but smiling at me as though you know one day i will understand, that one day, all this pain will go away and i will be with you again.
I miss you my special friend, my soul mate, my everything.

I love you Ramy.
2 July 2007 - Sydney

Razavian Family
Dearest Friends,
One year passed since we lost our beloved Ramy,

We are celebrating his short, but rich and passionate life on 15th July.

We cordially invite and welcome all Ramy's friends and family friends to join us for his first anuual memorial ceremony.

With Love

Shahin, Hassan, Maziar and Mona Razavian


Date: Sunday 15th July 2007

15:30 ñ 16:30 Visit and pray for Ramy Macquarie Cemetery Section D

17:00 ñ 19:00 Ceremony and Dinner Dougherty Community Centre
7 Victor Street, Chatswood
21 June 2007 - Sydney

Although i have never met ramy hes pictures and stories have touched my heart now i understand why he is so missed im so sorry for ur pain my heart goes out to the family and friends that helped raise and bring up such a beautiful person.

RIP ramy im crying for a person i have never met i cant begin to imagine the pain in ur families heart.
18 June 2007 - Sydney

Life is sth. great, but someone are greater than life, and you Ramy, u r one of those great meanings of life, u will be alive forever in our mind, and in our heart . his spiritual life was full of love, kindness and generosity 4 all, so :"Tell the World of His Perfect, Unconditional Love!"
12 June 2007 - Tehran

I am thinking of you always. Your kind smile your beautiful spirit. I miss you all the time. Are you looking over us?
6 June 2007 - Aus

Dearest Ramy,
As time pass, I miss you more.

At every place we have spent time together, at any corner of our house and at every moment your wonderful memories, your sweetness, your passion, your laughter are with me.

Rest in peace darling.
3 June 2007

hey, its been a while since i wrote to you. just wanted to say hi. I was really sad that on the day i graduated i couldnt share the excitement with you but you know in a way i knew you were proud cos you always wanted me to be a little more excited and proud of my career and education. I was kinda proud, definately not as much as my mum and dad though. hahha. I hope you will be at my next graduation cos that's the really important one and i'll really need someone to watch over me so i dont trip when im walking up/down the stairs!!! (2 people tripped this time and i felt so bad for them!!!) I wish i could see you graduate cos you had such a passion for uni.
missing you lots
22 May 2007 - close-by

hey ramy. miss u so much your always on my mind. r. i. p
22 May 2007 - sydney

Just wanted to thank the Razavian family for making this site. God knows how many times a week I read the guest book. It's been a good way to cope with the loss.

It's been hard to accept the fact that this amazing, lively person has left us.

You only really appreciate what you have until it's gone . . . one of those clichÈís that only hit home when you HAVE lost someone.

I don't think I can ever properly explain to people that hadn't met Ramy how special he really was. I don't say this only because he's gone and it's an appropriate thing to say. Having him as a friend was incredible. Itís crazy how vividly I remember our times together ñ even all the trivial little things.

We as his friends had to compete to spend time with him. Being around him was like therapy. Someone who really cared about you. Who listened. Who was brutally honest in his advice. Who would NEVER betray your trust.

Inshallah God will Bless us with appreciation for the people we do have.

Please regardless of your Religious background, pray for Ramy and also his family. They raised an amazing young man who is gone from this world.

We miss you Ramy.
18 May 2007 - Sydney

My Dearest Ramy,
I have tried my best to listen to your message, your beatiful poem: ". love what you have not what you had. ". What I had "a beautiful angel" and what I have "22 years beutiful memories of my angel". It was a wonderful gift to have you, even for a short time, but something that was taken from me is the main part of my body (my heart), it is the purpose of my life, it is my happiness, it is my hope, it is the reason of being live,.

Help me to survive for the others that also I love as much I do love you, help me, help me.

I know the life will not be the same without you, but I need to be strong and survive.

Everybody telling me: the time can help to use to my pain, but my pain is the pain of the burning body after the numness, which increases by the time more and more and more. This pain starts early morning and is killing me through the day till evening everyday.

Come to me with your beautiful smile, bring a little bit of happiness for me, come to my dream, I missed you so much, missed you, missed you.
18 May 2007

Ramy jaan, i never say you are dead. You are just away from us, and we will all meet you again. Rest in peace.
15 May 2007

My beautiful Ramy,
It's Mother Day, and you are not around. My beloved son, shame on me for being alive on this day and knowing that you are gone. Yet, i appreciate the time that your dad, Maz, Mona, and i spent together; while, as you know, i felt your warm and caring presence with us. Tonight we talked about you with tears in our eyes, and i think we all are grateful for having you in our lives. My Rami, aziz, i also want to thank you for making me your mother: you honoured me! Now give me my mummy day's kisses and hugs, and accept the ocean of my love, pouring on you. i am sure you can remember that i would often kiss your soft and beautiful hands with love and admiration. And i am sure that you can feel i am now kissing your hands again and again, from morning till night. Thank you Ramy for being my son. i love you with my whole existance.
13 May 2007

Jenny Skulina
I am so sorry for your loss. Although I've never met him, I can tell from Mona's stories and the pictures here on the website what a lovely person Ramy was.

My deepest condolences.
12 May 2007 - USA

My beautiful Rami,
i can't say how much i have missed u. The wound i got in my heart has not healed and i can't believe it can ever heal. My little love, tonight i held your sister in my arms and kised her once. Then i told her i have to kiss you for Ramy. For a very short moment, suddenly, i felt your warm, caring, and loving presence in my own body. Pressing Mona on my chest, i told her that you were really embracing her. Even, i felt how you left me when i let your sister go. My baby, i love you. i love u. i love u.
12 May 2007 - Sydney

Hi! How r u?
nice site!
29 April 2007 - UK

someone u know
where are u ramy??
27 April 2007 - somewhere around the corner

I may not know rami but seeing this site i feel his spirit is stronger and that is because of those who love him and aslong as that is there his spirit will remain much alive he truly is a souljah of allah for the person he is how he was with hisfriends and family God bless all those who miss him but just rember he is very much with you R. I. P rami
24 April 2007 - sydney

Steph Saleh.
I Didnt know Ramy but I really wish I did. By the amount of ppl he knew and touched jst by lookin at his photos ++ Lookin at his smile u could jst tell that he was a angel . I know how it feels to loose someone u truly love it is the worst pain in the world u feel like a part of u has gone with them ALl the FAMILY ++ Friends of Ramy will always be in ma thoughts prayers ++ In my heart . I wish u all the best
And remember Ramy Isn't very far at all just close ur eyes and think of him n he will always be there in ur HEART SOUL ++ MIND Love always - Stephanie!
23 April 2007 - Adelaide

Jaat kheili khali bood 2nite. made me remember last year this time.
20 April 2007

Dearest Ramy,
Today is an emotional as well as a sad day for us.

We are giong to recieve the award on your behalf. Professor Croucher the ex Dean of Division of law will attend the ceremony just for giving your prize. It is very kind of her.

We are so proud of you. Your outstanding inteligence, efforts and determination paid back and you won the award. Congradulations darling.

I am sure you will attend the ceremony and witnessing the emotional ceremony and looking to your mummy, maziar, mona and myself and know how proud we are.

The life is cruel. Instead of mom and me to recieve your prize, you should be alive, get the prize by yourself while we are sitting proudly in the back, not in the front seats which are for prize winners.

I will write to you after ceremony.
16 April 2007 - Sydney

you know who
you came to me in my dream 2 nights ago. is it true what you said? i'm scared. i dont want to believe it. what do you want me to do? what do you want me to say? im stuck in a nightmare. help me. i miss you so much. you were always solving my problems - but tell me was i a good friend to you? i'm so sorry
15 April 2007

someone u know
its weird bcos about 4 months ago u indirectly that something was gonna happen to me around this time. Its ironic that today is your anniversairy. Now it is happening and i cannot believe it. U were the one id always go to for help. Now i just have no idea what to do.
15 April 2007 - somewhere around the corner

Happy Easter Dearest Ramy
9 April 2007

Dearest Ramy,
Last night, we have few of your friends (girls, boy, parent) visiting us for the new year. It was a wondeful night having our family and your friends together. You made it, thanks.

You remeber, I have always winging about the number of friends that you have and I blamed you that you have no time to concentrate on your study.

Now by two strong evidences, you proved to me that I was completely wrong. Firstly I did not have the chance to meet many of your wonderful friends before and understand how much you mean for them and how much they care and love you. They are so pure, lovely and innocent and I am proud of you and all of them.

Secondly by getting the university award, getting high distictions mark in every subject, you proved that how smart you were and how much you cared about your education.

I also read many of your poems after your friends left last night. I felt strongly down that understand how much you have concerns about payment of your telephone bills or sometimes you could not get on well with your study.

Darling trust me, I am not only ready to pay milliod dollars telephone bills for you, but also give everything I have including my life if I have another chance to hug you once and kiss you once.

Forgive me for all my misunderstandings.

Love you forever
4 April 2007 - Sydney

Thank you :) i really wasnt expecting you to be listening and i dont know if you were or if it was just my imagination but thanks either way. It made my day!!!!

29 March 2007

you know who
i dont really think there is anything i could possibly write that could express how i feel at this moment. i dont think i even know how to feel anymore. i have a confession to make my dearest Rami and i hope you wont get angry. Sometimes i go through the day purposely blocking you out just so i can get through it. Thats until i go to sleep when i say a prayer for you. Is that bad? its just that everytime i think of you i zone out and cant control who i am. i lose myself. its as if you only just passed away. the wounds are still new. i'm so lost. Will you visit me my dear friend? even if its for the slightest second. i just want to see your face.

I got the Qu'ran in english a few weeks back. its sitting in the same place when i first got it. i'm still contemplating what to do with it. i'm still contemplating me faith.

will you give me a sign my dear friend?
will you tell me my purpose so i have a reason to live?
i just want to know that you are ok.

forgive me for everything.
27 March 2007

its just me babe.
hey babe, just sitting here thinkin about u. living without u is so hard. I miss u sooo much, I miss talkin 2 u, seeing ur beautiful face, being near u. all the late night fone calls and random msgs at 3 am about beatrice and her mangoes. calling u in the morning and ur fone will still b unplugged so and ur mum can sleep. all the coffees we used to have, the hours spent endlessly and pointlessly around chatswood. Life seemed so carefree and easy back then, how do I go on without u?
I love u babe
22 March 2007 - chatswood

Happy eid my dear. hope ypu had a wonderful norooz.

21 March 2007

Happy Birthday persian. im really sorry i couldnt be there on sunday.

Hope your celebrating like we know you will .
Rest easy xxx
21 March 2007 - Sydney

Happy Nowrooz Daerest Ramy,

It is the first Nowrooz that we celebrate the new year without your physical presence. But I feel you here, I feel you in my heart, and I am sure that you are celebrating the new year with us.
It is first day after you joint the God that I could manage and control myself to stop my tears to make you happy. I know that you are happy with our happiness and suffering from our pain. I know it Ramy, but I miss your laughter, your emotions , your voice, your winging and I will give everything to have a hug from you.

Rest in peace darling.

21 March 2007 - Sydney

21st of march your birthday . i just watched a show on t. v n the lady had an accident n died. it gave me a heart ace because i membered you straight away n felt upset. whenever im in the car driving near trucks n buses i freak out n get all shacky. missing you babe :(. happy birthday. i miss verendah. jumping off the podiums n landing on u falling over 2gether hehe n our funny dance moves. all my memories for u make me smile. love you.
21 March 2007

Shahin (Ramy's mum)
In year three, in a fantastic piece of school work, in his autobiography, that he got A+, Ramy has written: ìI was born at three o'clock a. m. on the 11th of March 1984 in Tehran Clinic, a good clinic, in Iran. "
We would always celebrate our dearest Ramy's Birthday on 11th of March. However, since the Iranian New Year begins on 21 of March, after Ramy's birth, his dad and I decided to ask the Office of Registration to write down 21 of March as his official birth day. This decision was made not to make Ramy one year older just for ten days (Who could imagine the little boy's life would be as short as a rose's?).
On 11th of this March, 2007, we informed some of Ramy's friends to join us to celebrate his birthday. This was done through messages given to accessible friends, asking them to inform others. On that sunny, beautiful day, we met a big group of Ramy's friends, boys and girls, and some of our closest friends, in Ramy's Garden at Macquarie Park. Talking a little about beautiful Ramy, then all of us were back home to have some refreshments and his birthday cake.
Now, I would like to thank Ramy's friends for all their love and kindness, their time, the flowers, phone calls, poems, the cakes, the chocolates, and even the vine. I am sure that my beautiful Ramy, from the bottom of his golden heart, is thanking all of you, who attended the celebration of his birth and life with the smiles, happiness, laughter, and joy, desired by Ramy.
I would also like to give my own gratitude and special Ramy's thanks to Hahid for his gift: Ramy and I know that your gift is so precious and rare in Australia.
I have also a message for other countless Ramy's friends: you energetic, lovely, young boys and girls, who would spend 21 of March with our Beautiful Singing Bird, our dearest Ramy, please celebrate the night as before with Ramy's soul. Go to coffee shops, dance in night clubs with Ramy's spirit. And drink a bottle of V, offering to Ramy.
I am sure that Ramy is still invited as VIP, in the night clubs, with infinite guests, who are made of light. Please, you boys and girls enjoy 21 of March or the following weekend and remember our Fountain of Love, our beautiful Ramy. Please accept my deepest appreciation, and Ramy's own thanks, for remembering him in your hearts. Do you know what was Ramy's message to me on Valentines Day? Sitting at his Grave, or, as we like to mention it, at his garden, I placed bunches of flowers there for him. In pain and tears, I asked him, "How you have not yet got new flowers by those beautiful, lovely girls? They admired you dearly, or felt in love with you and your enchanting eyes. " Suddenly some immediate words captured my mind: "Mummy, Mummy! Don't worry about me. All my friends are thinking and talking of me tonight. '
I would also appreciate it if the night clubs, that used to invite Ramy as VIP, put Ramy's photo on their screen with some wrap music, one of his favourite ones, or any M&M songs, the songs that Ramy and I would listen and like them. I am sure that Ramy's soul will dance on the waves of music in the air and in the warmth of love in his friends' hearts.
Love you all. Please take care of yourselves.
18 March 2007 - Sydney

its just me babe.
Hey Ramy,
Im sorry I couldnt make it to ur bday last week, i know its weak, but I couldnt bear the thought of celeberating ur first bday away from us all. This is ur first bday since we lost u, the first bday where u havent dragged me 2 verandah, or even worst, roguez (theyre both closed now babe). Ur 23rd bday and ur not here to celebrate it with us. The days leading up to ur bday was so hard. it brought back the pain of losing u all over again. I sit there and think about all the things we talked about and all the things ull miss, things well neva get to do, sometimes I still cant believe ur gone, its been 8 months since that phone call i will neva forget telling me u were gone. the pain was instant, I felt numb but my heart ached so much I felt it physically. Not a day goes by where I dont think of u and miss u so much, Ive picked up my fone a few times and started dialling ur number and then I realise that u wont b there and it breaks me. But I have good days too, sometimes I sit there and I can smile at the memories, at all the beautiful memories we shared. and i knw that even though I cant c u, when I come visit u to talk to u, I knw u can hear me.
Babe, Ill give up everything just to hear ur voice one more time, to see u and hold u, that cheeky smile I miss so so much.

Ill come visit u soon, I have so much to tell u.
17 March 2007 - Chatswood

Hard to live without you Ramy.

Miss you every moment.
15 March 2007 - sydney

Ali Reza
Although I didn't know this brother, I send my deepest condolences to his family. InshaAllah they will see him again and must always remember that this life isn't the real life. The real journey begins when we pass from this cold world. He was obviously too good for this life. My prayers are with him and his family.

12 March 2007 - London England

happy 23rd birthday Goni. Hope u enjoyed ur birthday party n liked ur presies. Love u always n always. vaggy:)
12 March 2007 - sydney

Dearest Ramy,
This is the first birthday that we celebrate without your physical attendance. It flashback my wonderful memories to the day you born with beautiful dark hairs, big eyes, then to your wonderful childhood birthdays, to 21th birthday when you changed to a youngman with the destination of changing the world and to the last your 22d birthday.

Your 23d birhday is overwhelming, gathering by many of all people that they love you with beautiful flowers, beautiful presents, yami cakes, etc.

Happy happay birthady sweat heart and wish you enjoy your birthday.
11 March 2007 - sydney

Ramy Joonam,

Azize Delam, I am sure that from where you are you can feel our love for you. Embrace all of us by your pure light.

Happy Birthday Azizam - We shall meet again
11 March 2007 - Canada

My dearest Ram,
Happy B Day!
I love you.
11 March 2007

My dearest Ramy,
I hope you turned up to your birthday party. It is so wrong not to have you here in person today. I miss you more than the whole world.
11 March 2007 - Sydney

I love you and miss you lots and lots, all the times that we had together i will never forget.
11 March 2007

Happy birthday. Your cake was really nice. oh and sorry i was late to ur party (i tied i promise!!!) hope u are partying it up in heaven. Miss you and wish u were her ebut id probably get ur present to you 6 months too late as usual;)

11 March 2007

Happy Birthday Ramy I hope you are having a great day wherever you are with all your new friends (u know the 72. just kidding)
11 March 2007

Layla Nafari
Celebrating your birthday here with friends & your sweet family and when go partying later on I'll have an extra dance for your birthday too; HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY DEAR RAMY!
ps. your flowers are growing everywhere!
11 March 2007 - Sydney - Australia

Happy 23rd birthday ramy. it was nice to see your friends and family celebrate for your birthday.
missing you
11 March 2007

i didnt know brother ramy, but i saw him at a few mumsa events at uni. may Allah grant him peace in the qabar and in the life hereafter and make it easy on his family.
10 March 2007

I never got to thank ramy in this earthly existence for his never failing ability to make me, and so many others laugh. At any moment, whether it was in a lecture or library, he would always see something funny and positive about his situation.

I owe my marks in PSY237 to you man - thanks for your notes. Even in them you had managed to put subtle comments that made studying that much more enjoyable.

Imam Ali advises us to "Live life in such manner that dead, people shall mourn over you. alive, they shall crave for your company. "

You lived well. Will reunite soon.

You lived life
10 March 2007 - sydney

Mitra & Aida
our dearest ramy:
with memories of your gentle hart,and your intimate joyful smiles,we sat quitely at the night of your birthday and thought of you. Als,our gift can be nothing but tears and sorrow,please accept it from us.
10 March 2007 - iran

Dear Ramy and Family, I felt inclined to write to tell you that I had a dream last night. Don't remember too many details but that it was touching. You were all gathered around and wishing him a happy birthday. It was a very spiritual dream, and I remember being very touched by it. If his birthday is near, know this, that the love you feel for him can be felt and I'm sure he hears and feels you. May the strength of god and his love always be with you.
10 March 2007

Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajeoon.

Miss you heaps bro.
Rest in peace.
9 March 2007 - Sydney

I missed you hips.
Rest in peace darling.
8 March 2007 - Sydney

I miss you so much.
Please take care of yourself.
7 March 2007

How are you?
5 March 2007

A blossom fell,
A beautiful heart stop bitting,
A nightingale stop singing,
A melodious laughter vanished,
An amazing soul left his enclosed space,
A true angel left the earth,
A true believer of human right is gone, and
A world of the passion and compassion transferred to eternal energy.


A shining star brightening the world of injustice sufferers, and
A guarding angel from the heavens telling the victims of injustice ìnever forget that difference between impossibility and improbability is hopeî.
1 March 2007 - sydney

love u gon.
28 February 2007

you know who.
Where are you my dearest friend? why is there so much mystery about the afterlife. why does God want us to question what really happens? Why doesnt he just ease our pain? I know that you are defineatly being taken care of. After all you were so pure it was almost unhuman. but it still just pisses me off!!! what is the right religion? does Allah exist? what is the purpose of life? To die only to leave those we love in pain? it doesnt make sense to me. Help me Rami. I'm in so much pain. i just want to know why. will you help me understand? i dont know what im doing with my life? i pray for you everynight i wish you were still here. i wish i could still call you. i want to hear your voice your laughter even your constant nagging. i dont know what path to take. i dont even know who i am anymore. i dont even know what to believe anymore. i used to have so much faith remember? i have done so many bad things in my life so why didnt God end my life? i probably dont deserve to live. WHY DID HE TAKE YOU? you made such a difference in so many peoples lives and finally you were at the peak of your life about to make the ultimate difference. Remember our dreams and goals? Whats the point of doing them now? whats the point of me helping the world that doesnt help me? the world thats taken someone who means the world to me? This world is disgusting. i look at all the events happening around me. its 2007 yet we are going backwards. theres no compassion. Is this hell Ramy? is that why you were taken away? you were too pure to live in such a disgusting world? I dont want to give up. Help me dear friend. I need you.
20 February 2007

Ramy. i hadnt seen this site in a while. but when i came back to it i realised the wounds are still as fresh as the day i heard what had happened.

Going into the last year at uni, its not gonna be the same without u round.
i know you already are . but ill ask again. Watch over everyone Persian. :)
20 February 2007 - Sydney

My Angel Ramy
Every day I miss you more and more. You with your beautiful smile are always in my mind.

I was wondering how can I survive without you.

I always loved shopping to buy the best and latest fashion for you to make you happy. Now I am going shopping for the best memorial for you. Something You should do for me, not me for you.

You unsrestand how painful this shopping is.

Love you and waiting to join you.

19 February 2007 - Sydney

I love u
19 February 2007 - sydney

Last night i watched the first episode of heroes. For some reason i think you would have loved that show! This might sound silly, but wed nights at 8:30 pm come past my lounge room and we'll watch it together. I bet everyones gonna think i'm crazy now haha :) Who cares. See ya then
31 January 2007 - SYDNEY

I miss you ramy!

You we're such apart of our lives that we now all hold an emptiness that can never be filled.

I wish i could just call you on the phone and talk about life, you always helped me with my problems which i am so grateful. I still ask for your help when i'm struggling and i feel that you're still there helping me.

You're parents did such a good job raising a person that's so beautiful inside and out. I'm so lucky to have known you.

I luv you and miss you alot, you were always such a good friend and i want to thank you for that.

I can't wait to see you!
21 January 2007 - Sydney

Dearest Ramy,
Six months passed since your tragic accident changed our life forever.

My life was not and will not be the same without you.

You are the centre of the family as you have been always and you are with us every where at any moment.

Love Daddy
15 January 2007 - Sydney

Happy new year. It wasn't the same without you. I hope you didnt party too hard on NYE!!!

3 January 2007 - Sydney

My Dearest Rami,
Happy New Year.
I really miss you. This year wont be the same.
You're in my prayers, now and forever. Take care of yourself. Dont worry about us. We will live through you. I love you.
Wish you were here
2 January 2007 - sydney

Dearest Ramy,
This is the first year that we started a new year without your physical presence. However "You" are wih us at any moment, at everwhere and as always in the bottom of our hearts.

You should know that we sacrificed the happiness of our lives for your happiness, rest in peace and freedom. Join the angels, shine over the sky and wait for us to see you.

Your positive influence in life of us, your relatives and your friends is continued as always.

Never I can forget the taste of my last kiss on your neck and your sweetest last words and beautiful smile.

Love Daddy
1 January 2007 - Sydney

My beautiful Ramy,
Happy 2007 new year. I wish you happiness, safety, and freedom. Thanks for spending time with us tonight. I felt your presence and I am very grateful for that. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
31 December 2006

Hey Ramy,
wish i could spend the nite with u in the city . . . have dinner, watch the fireworks, and drink lots of long island iced tea . . . maybe one day we will. miss u and love u a lot.
31 December 2006

Hi Goni
Happy new year, miss ur kisses n cuddles. We all had some Baileys for u . Sultan had some grapes( !! vine).
Take care, love u always Vaggy
31 December 2006 - home

Dearest Ramy,

You were a friend to me unlike any other. Your memory will never be erased and your presence never replaced.

I only wish I could have seen you or spoken to you one last time, as do so many others im sure.

I miss you so so much, you will always hold that special place in my heart.

Sleep well my friend, when you awake we will all be there.

Love you always.
20 December 2006 - Sydney

Your Cousin
As I met my lovely cousine, Ramy, in Iran on July 2nd. 2006, he said to me that he feels very sorry about my father's dad, who died just a few weeks before. I cannot believe that he was just gone a few days later. I think about all those sad days in Sydney. I wished that you could guid me throughout this city. I wished to go with you to coffee shops, shopping centres, all those beautiful beaches , etc in Sydney. Even thoug, I felt your presence every second in Sydney, I wished badly that you were there in another way. I wish my dad and Ramy peace and all the best in a for us unknown life. See you sometimes in future dearst.
19 December 2006 - Berlin- Germany

another friend

I always imagined it would get easier to deal with your loss as time went by but it seems as though its only getting harder. I really wish we could have one more conversation but i guess that will just have to wait a while.

I hope you are happy.

Missing you
18 December 2006 - Sydney

Dr. Johann Schock
just saw this site, I think he was a wonderful person.
17 December 2006 - Germany

Nassrin Razavian-Samii
Ramy was my cousin. Unfortunately I never got a chance to meet him. I left Iran 28 yrs ago. I have visited Iran only 4 times during the past 28 years. I guess my uncle and his family were out of Iran during my visits. I saw my uncle last November, hoping that I could see my uncleís family fairly soon. I am saddened by this tragedy and I still hope to get a chance to see my uncleís family. Last year was quite a tragic year. We lost three of our loved ones in 3 months. I hope this year would be a better year for all of us.
30 November 2006 - San Diego, USA

Miss you lots
13 November 2006

I think about you every single day. I reminesce. the laughter. the teasing. the joking. the stupidity. YOUR SMILE. You're smile is imprinted in my mind. you're heart of gold, an amazing friend. You are missed everyday. BY MANY. Luv you. Mwa
12 November 2006 - Sydney

I miss you Ramy.
You are the only person that could judge me on what i was wearing at uni, tell me how i could improve all while making me laugh!!
You are so genuinely great and unique, and i will forever miss having you around!!
6 November 2006 - Sydney

a friend
To Rami,,,

just writing to say you are dearly loved and missed ,

you were a remarkable person and i will miss all our random stuff, and you singing loudly in an asian accent, shoul mate number 9.

take care forever, may God be with you, xoxoxoxoxox
6 November 2006

Dear Ramy

Everyday that goes by. is closer to seeing you again.
Theres not one day that i dont think about you, what your doing, how it is up there and missing you more n more everyday. All i can member is our good memories always will stay in my heart. missing you rambles xo
2 November 2006 - Sydney

Dear Ramy (Persiannnnnnnnn).

Just wanted to let you know that every day passes and u go thru my head at least once.

Miss you heaps buddy.

27 October 2006 - Sydney

Hassan Razavian
Dearest Ramy,
It is hard to live without you.
I missed your laughter,
I missed your passionate talking,
I missed your most beautiful face,
I missed your mobile phone bills,
I missed to give the lift to you at late night,
I missed your wingings,
I missed your angers,
I missed your kisses when you try to avoid it,
I missed your achievements and high distictions marks,
I missed looking to buy latest fassion dresses to make you happy,
I missed to buy the "V" drinks for you, and
I missed everything from you.

Your empty place is in Chatswood Cafe shops, in Nightclubs, in restaurants, in Macquarie Shopping centre and university, in Tantallon oval and everywhere, and in every moment of my life.

How are you doing my son? Did you find a lot of friends in other world?

You loved talking, is it possible to communicate with us. We miss you so much.
20 October 2006 - Sydbey

Ramy, not a day goes by that I dont think about u and miss u.
Missing u soo much babe.
18 October 2006 - Chatswood

I miss u Ramy
16 October 2006 - Sydney

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